> From: Gonzalez, Sergio Eduardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I need to send the value and text dispayed  to  the server 

Now I have to ask, why?  Presumably you're generating the selections
from something, maybe a Map?  All you need is the value, they key, and
you can pull the value out of the Map without having it sent from the

There are ways, you could use JavaScript to set a hidden form field, or
just concatenate the value & text:
<select name ="xx" >
  <option value="123|Some Text">Some Text</option></select>
and then parse it when it arrives at the server.  (For the record,
that's not a recommendation, just an option!)

But it would help if you'd post the code from the JSP that you're using.
Right now I don't know if you're using <html:select> or if you're
'manually' writing out the <select> tags.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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