> I'm curious if anyone out there has gotten Validator
> and/or Tiles working with Struts modules? Here are my
> questions.  If you can answer any of them it would be
> a great help.

        Yep.  Got 'em both working.
> Do you have to have the validator plugin defined in
> each module config file?  If so, how?

        You've got it--it works just like in a single-module app.  Create a
separate forms.xml for each module and set it in the plugin and you're off.

> Do you have to have the tiles plugin defined in each
> module config file? If so, how?

        Again, on the money.  In each module's config, define the tiles
plugin just as you would for a no-module app. 
        Here's the gotcha that I ran into.  IIRC, the docs indicate that the
default is for the tiles plugin to be module aware.  The docs were wrong.
You MUST include <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" /> in the
plugin definition of each module.   

> Any gotchas or things to know?

        If you see messages on the console about "Plugin already
initialized" see the above--make sure you make ALL module tiles plugins
module aware.

        Once you get past that problem, it's really pretty straightforward.

David Hibbs, ACS
Staff Programmer / Analyst
American National Insurance Company

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