HTML 4.01 Specification

12.1.3 Specifying anchors and links

Authors may set the name and href attributes simultaneously in the same A instance.

Quoting Brice Ruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is it in violation of the HTML 4 (or XHTML 1) spec that an <a ...></a> 
> tag have *both* an href and a name attribute? I ask, because in Struts 
> 1.1, apparently, if I specify a linkName attribute to an otherwise 
> normal <html:link> tag (with either page, action, or href specified) - 
> it ignores everything else that I've specified and outputs only an <a 
> name="..."></a> tag.
> We're in the process of integrating statistical link tracking into our 
> site and certain javascript requires that a 'name' and an 'id' be set 
> for certain links ... and I can't figure out how to get Struts to do 
> this, without the behaviour above.
> Of course, I could create a custom tag that extends the existing Struts 
> tag, but I'd rather get an understanding of what's going on, before I go 
> that route.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Brice D. Ruth
> Sr. IT Analyst
> Fiskars Brands, Inc.

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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