No matter what, I would recommend turning off caching on the struts
controller, otherwise you will get anomalies with the back button and
workflows.  Do this early in your development and testing with QA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts Workflow

My suggestion is to build your own.  This is fairly simple stuff that must 
be wedded to your own way of coding your site or application that will fit 
your business requirements.  Make it general for use in other 
places.  Create, for example, you own do/undo/redo to work with but 
independent of the workflow.  Also create some token application or use the 
one that comes with struts.

At 10:08 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in
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