Take a look at http://providers.sourceforge.net/ and see ComboSelectTag.
This tag allows you to create 2 or more dependant drop down lists using
Struts and javascript. With this tag, you do not need to reload the page
in the onchange of the first select.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sábado, 28 de Febrero de 2004 10:19 a.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: DropDowns....

Whats the best way for implement this situation:

On the window I have 2 dropdown, the second depends of the first
dropdown value, then I'll back to the class action with the first
dropdown value for populate the second. After choice the value at second
dropdown, I'll qualify for sending this informations to data base.

How many action I need for to implement this ? I'll need one action for
the first dropdown (at onchange event submit the form???), other action
for the second dropdown and other for to send all informations to
database ?

Some one have a example for help-me ??????

Daniel S.

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