<put name="foo" value="${bar}" type="string/definition/page" />

On 2 Mar 2004, at 22:15, Anderson, James H [IT] wrote:

There's something I'm not understanding :-( I've got the following tiles definitions.

<definition name=".mainLayout" path="/tiles/layouts/mainLayout1.jsp">
<put name="header" value="/tiles/header.jsp"/>
<put name="footer" value="/tiles/footer.jsp"/>
<put name="content" value="${content}"/> << variable for substitution

<definition name=".portfolioLayout" path="/tiles/layouts/portfolioLayout.jsp">
<put name ="marketdata" value=".marketdata"/>
<put name ="userinput" value=".userinput"/>
<put name ="dataview" value="/tiles/dataview.jsp"/>

<definition name=".marketdata" path="/tiles/layouts/marketdataLayout.jsp">
<put name ="quotes" value="/tiles/quotes.jsp"/>
<put name ="smithbarneyresearch" value="/tiles/research.jsp"/>
<put name ="marketwatch" value="/tiles/marketwatch.jsp"/>

<definition name=".userinput" path="/tiles/layouts/userinputLayout.jsp">
<put name ="accountview" value="/tiles/accountview.jsp"/>
<put name ="app-specific" value="${app-specific}"/> << variable for substitution

and I want to create a new tile, substituting values for both variable:

    <definition name=".activity.detail" extends=".mainLayout">
      <put name="content"      value=".portfolioLayout"/>
      <put name="app-specific" value="/tiles/activityinfo.jsp"/>

But this doesn't work! The "content" variable is replaced as expected, but the "app-specific" variable
is ignored and doesn't show up at all. It looks like the only tile for which variable substitution
is supported is the one that's specified in the "extends" attribute--not in any nested tile. Surely
there must be a way to get around this...


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