Thanks James,

Im hoping I'll get a chance to take a look at it all as soon as I finish the
project Im on right now (which is keeping me rather busy!)

I had a look at a much earlier version of the JSF spec quite a while back
and remember getting all excited about the component tree stuff and
rendering kits and all that.

Hoping to get a chance to download the RI sometime and play with it. Maybe
even try and whack together some code to make the DOM based rendering
library I wrote play nice with JSF.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 02:30
Subject: RE: JSF RI Final is out!

There are books available today.  The McGraw Hill book came out weeks ago
and I believe the APress book is out too.  However, these books are
probably out of date due to the fact that the spec wasn't finalized when
the books were published.

Also, there are a total of 10 or so books in progress or done.  You can
find the list on my website at:


> <snip>
> No books have been published about JavaServer Faces yet (to my knowledge),
> although I know of at least five that are nearing completion, and should
> be
> published very soon.
> </snip>
> Funny you say that, as I could have sworn I saw one a month or so ago over
> at the Clementi bookshop. I recall not looking closely at it as the RI
> wasnt
> out yet afaik so I figured the book would have to be based on a beta or
> something and I did already have my arms full of more books than I could
> rightly afford to buy at the time. (Im like a kid in a candy store at that
> shop!). Of course I could just have been blur that day and mistaken the
> letters JSP for JSF... but hmmm, I dunno mate - I reckon I saw one.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 02:15
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: JSF RI Final is out!
> Quoting Janarthan Sathiamurthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> How do i get started wiith JSF ?.
>> Any books ?
>> Please advice....
> JavaServer Faces Home Page:
> Download Page:
> Support Forum (free registration required):
> The download includes some example applications that illustrate its use.
> An
> update to the JavaServer Faces Tutorial is in progress, and will be posted
> shortly.
> No books have been published about JavaServer Faces yet (to my knowledge),
> although I know of at least five that are nearing completion, and should
> be
> published very soon.
> Nightly builds of an integation library for using JavaServer Faces and
> Struts
> together are available, but it's still based on the beta version.  I'm
> debugging the updates as I type, and will post messages here when the
> nightly
> builds have been updated to work with the final version.
>> Regards,
>> Janarthan S
> Craig McClanahan
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