Multipart produces an error when you invoke in the same request twice to
Struts and population is performed twice. I had this problem (I'm using
Struts 1.0) and as I couldn't remove multipart attribute I have to
perform a redirect.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Henrique Alves Lima [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sábado, 06 de Marzo de 2004 08:32 p.m.
Subject: Re: 1 request & 2 forms

    Something strange is happening:

    When i tried to use BeanUtils.copyProperties, i've checked that 
request.getParameterMap() was returning null. Then, i've removed 
"enctype=multipart" from my form declaration (in source.jsp). Now, 
request.getParameterMap() is working...I will investigate this odd 
behaviour (because our application has some Filters and 

    Thanks all !!!!

Guillermo Meyer wrote:

>Struts fills Forms attributes before invoking an action.
>How are you chaining these actions?
>In case 2:
>Source.jsp post to Aaction. Aform is populated with request parameters 
>and execute in Aaction is called. You do something with this and then, 
>returns an actionForward that as "". So, you "chain" these 
>actions, and Struts is invoked again with this actionForward. The 
>request is the same (do not do any redirect) so Struts populates Bform 
>Asociated to Baction and fills it with the same request parameters as 
>in Aform.
>Are you configuring mappings like this?
><action path="/AAction" type="mypackage.AAction" name="AForm">
>       <forward name="BAction" path="/"/> <!-- if you use
>request is lost and parameters are not filled.--> </action>
><action path="/BAction" type="mypackage.BAction" name="BForm">
>       <forward name="destiny" path="/destiny.jsp"/>
>May you are either calling Baction in other way or are using a redirect

>between them, are you?

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