Hi all,

I have unsuccessfuly spent all this time trying to figure this and it must be very 
In my JSP I have code like this: 
<logic:equal scope="session" name="userid" property="Admin" value="false">

for a bean boolean property defined like this:
  private boolean admin = false;
 public boolean isAdmin(){   return admin; }
public void setAdmin(boolean b) { admin = b;}

I get this error trying to access my JSP
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception accessing property Admin for bean userid: 
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Unknown property 'Admin'

I am sure I read somewhere that boolean properties can be also used. why the 
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException? Is it only meant to work with Strings?
The property must be picked up correctly since I successfully use it my actions.
Any ideas on how to achieve that check using Strut tags? (have looked everywhere for 
an example!)

Thank you for your time,

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