No, the ignore attribute means an exception won't get thrown if the tiles
attribute is not present, as it would be if you left out the <put> tag all
together.  It can't help that a valid attribute was specified that points to
a nonexistant file.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scherger, Derek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: Problem with <tiles:insert ignore="true'> 

Can anyone tell me why this

<tiles:insert attribute="user-menu" ignore="true"/>

In my layout page, with this 

<put name="user-menu"   value="/tiles/user/menu.jsp"/>

In my tiles-defs.xml

Gives me this

Can't insert page '/tiles/user/menu.jsp' : /tiles/user/menu.jsp /tiles/user/menu.jsp at
jrun.jsp.JSPEngine.getPageState( at
jrun.jsp.Translator.translate( at
jrun.jsp.JSPEngine.translateJSP( at
jrun.jsp.JSPServlet.translate( at
jrun.jsp.JSPServlet.service( at

Isn't the idea of ignore="true" to *not* throw FileNotFoundExceptions?

Is this just Jrun being silly?


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