----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chan, Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 12:34 PM
Subject: Can validation.xml be modularized?

> I have modularized my Struts application using different struts-config.xml
> files. Also I am using different resource properties files for
> for each module.  Everything works fine.  Currently, I am hooking up the
> client side validation using the struts validation plugin.  However, the
> only way I can get it working is to register all the form validation in
> validation.xml, and access the localized error messages using the default
> resource properties file.
> Does anyone know how to:
> 1.  modularize the validation.xml so that I can decompose it the same way
> I did for the struts-config files.  I tried using xml includes, but the
> validation plugin complains that it can't find my validation1.xml file.
> only works if I use the absolute file path.
> <!DOCTYPE project [
>   <!ENTITY validation1 SYSTEM "./validation1.xml">
> ]>
> &validation1;

For this part - I have wrestled with this alot, and have not been able to
get it to work for validation.xml or tiles-defs.xml. Search back through the
archives for something like "entity includes" and you will see my problems
with it, and some suggestions for fixing - none of which have worked for me.

I myself am convinced there is a bug in the plugin processor, or in
validation and tiles themselves that make this not possible. It works fine
in struts-config though. When I get free time (yeah right) I plan on getting
to the bottom of this, but I have know idea when it would be.

Matt Bathje

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