The Struts-EL is what I'd recommend, which supports exactly what you want to
do, unless you're into (Tomcat 5 and the) JSP 2.0 then you'd just do:
<option value="${accounts.number}">${accounts.number}</option>

Otherwise I _think_ I've done this nastiness and it worked, but I might have
been doing it with plain HTML (non-struts tags):

<html:option value="<c:out value="${accounts.number}"/>"><c:out


-----Original Message-----
From: Steltner, Joern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 7:28 AM
Subject: access variable value in html tag


I'm not an expert in Struts and Java. I need some simple help:

<html:select property="no_account">
 <c:forEach var="accounts" items="${Accounts}" varStatus="status">
  <html:option value="????????"><c:out

Everything works fine, but at ??????? mark I would like take
account.no_account like ${accounts.number}, but it doesn't work. May someone
can give me a small note about the right syntax to get the value from
accounts.number as text in the quotes.


J. Steltner

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