Thank you. After some discussion on IRC, I solved the issue, but for
completeness please allow me to quote the summary here:

*I was playing around with Hercules, and for that I use x3270 which is an
IBM mainframe terminal emulator. It installs a custom font, which is
(drumroll) EBCDIC!*

*This is proven by starting "xterm -font 3270" which gives gives me an
xterm with the same issue.*

*In StumpWM when starting, it tries to open a font called "9x15". If that
font doesn't exist, it gets all fonts and uses the first one. In my case,
that happens to be "3270" (presumably since it starts with a digit).*

I submitted a PR which was accepted here:


On Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 22:32, David Bjergaard <> wrote:

> Sorry for the delay replying. I’m happy to clarify as much as I can but
> for now (limited time and keyboard space ;)) check out:
> And the lengthy discussion here:
>     David
> On Aug 14, 2019, at 3:56 AM, Elias Mårtenson <> wrote:
> I have been configuring Stumpwm for use on my new(ish) laptop, and I have
> a weird problem that seems to be related to encoding.
> When I start Stumpwm from GDM (using a custom desktop session), all text
> displayed by StumpWM (for example, the help text) is garbled. All
> characters are displayed as the wrong symbols.
> I don't recognise the way it's garbled. I'm sure it's not UTF-8 text being
> displayed as Latin-1.
> I have confirmed that the LC_* environment variables have the correct
> value (en_SG.UTF-8).
> Is this something anyone has seen before?
> Regards,
> Elias
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