On Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 12:32:41PM +0100, Carlos Castro wrote:
> Hello ,
> Thanks @Peter
> I'm trying to configure to connect with my PC to this Public server
> https://ctm.omgeo.net using TLS1.2 but i don't can.
> I'm need setup stunnel for old application doesn't support TLS , and this
> application need connect with this public server to send data.
> I'm using the Peter config , but nothing . I try this config :
> [omgeo]
> client = yes
> accept =
> connect = ctm.omgeo.net:443
> verify = 2
> CApath = /etc/ssl/certs/
> I'm using Curl to try connect  , I'm recive this error
> /etc/ssl/certs# curl -v

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but if your client application does not
support TLS, then it won't speak HTTPS, it would speak plain HTTP.
That's what the configuration you're using does - it tells stunnel to
run in client mode, i.e. something will connect to stunnel using
an unencrypted connection and stunnel will connect to a TLS server
(in this case an HTTPS server).

So what happens when you try almost the same query, but with the "http"
scheme instead of the "https" one?

  curl -v


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org p...@storpool.com
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