On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:

> So I pushed a patch that will dump some data to stderr when you download
> dives from your dive computer. And I'd love for as many people as possible
> to run this against all the dive computers you can get your hands on and
> respond to this email with
> a) what Subsurface showed about serial / firmware
> b) what your dive computer and / or its box tell you about serial /
> firmware
> In order for us to be able to do a decent job reporting this information
> we need as many devices tested as possible. So please help.
> I uploaded Windows installers as well (4.2.90-31) - you'll have to run
> them from a cmd.exe in order to see the output...
> Your help is much appreciated.
> /D

Here's what I got for my Atomic Cobalt2:
libdc devinfo serial nr converted to 0914-0745
libdc devinfo firmware version converted to 147456.02

The serial number is correctly decoded but the firmware version reported by
the device is 2.25

For my Suunto D4i:
libdc devinfo serial nr converted to 22271-5691
libdc devinfo firmware version converted to 660.58

Neither one matches.  The serial number should be 13709543.  I'm not sure
about the firmware version.  I the computer has an entry labeled D4I with
the the value V1.2.10 and an entry labeld IND with a value of V1.5.

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