On 21 November, 2014 - Dirk Hohndel wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 11:23:28AM +0100, Salvador Cuñat wrote:
> > El 20/11/2014 16:37, "Dirk Hohndel" <d...@hohndel.org> escribió:
> > 
> > > The problem is, of course, that with every firmware update (and those are
> > > becoming much more frequent, as you are seeing yourself), you get a new
> > > deviceid and we redownload all dives :-(
> > >
> > Hi Dirk.
> > I don't think this is absolutely true, at least it isn't for the OSTC.  I'm
> > actually downloading only the last dives after a firmware update. No
> > redownload at all.
> Interesting, Anton reported that and I have seen this happen myself. And
> the way the logic works with a new deviceid I could understand that
> Subsurface thinks the dives are new.
> Curious. I think I have an OSTC with a pending firmware update. I need to
> find the time to try this. There are so many things I need to find the
> time for.

My regular cycle is:
* open subsurface
* download from the ostc
* see how it downloads duplicates of lots of dives, and thus screwing up
  the nice cleaned gas lists
* swear
* quit subsurface without saving
* open subsurface
* download into a private trip
* remove the duplicates from the private trip
* merge the private trip downloads into the appropriate dives.
* vim xml-file , :%s/old_deviceid/new_deviceid/g

So, it happens on a quite regular basis for me.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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