On 18/12/2014 03:27, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:


If it's possible at all, we need to complete the CCR UI. Would you be prepared to help, please? I have been messing around with private branches of the code that are rapidly ageing but my understanding of the Qt code is pathetic. We need:
a) Graph of setpoint data when the pO2 is shown on the profile.
b) A graph that displays all the data from the individual oxygen sensors with respect to the setpoint. I would so much like to get this part of the development behind us in order to get on with the other CCR systems.

Extension of the present code to accommodate APD logs will not be cosmetic, but very easy, now that a basic infrastructure exists: problem there is 2 parallel dive computers. The APD development is not likely to have UI consequences, or, if at all, minor consequences in the manner of selecting APD logs in the import panel.

Kind regards,

Em 17/12/2014 20:48, "Robert Helling" <hell...@atdotde.de <mailto:hell...@atdotde.de>> escreveu:
> … what are people planning to spend time on?

Unit tests, since 4.0 I keep saying that.
Speed improvements in the profile.
Printing improvements
Publish on ( Facebook, gplus)
Dropbox, Facebook, integration for images
Git ui. ( I just need to know how it's supposed tô look like)

> For me that would be (not necessarily in that order)
> 1) pSCR (as just explained in a different mail)
> 2) Making image integration more portable between the devices, in a way to be determined: paths relative to a (configurable) image_root, relative paths from home etc, images from the web… We talked about this before.
> 3) Increasing responsiveness of the planner (doing some profiling, maybe splitting the replot into smaller tasks that not all need to be redone upon changes of data etc)
> And of course there is the big elephant in the room (but I probably cannot really contribute due to lack of ideas/understanding): Coming up with a UI to utilize the git save/load.
> Other ideas?
> Best
> Robert
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