On 19 December, 2014 - Salvo Tomaselli wrote:

> In data mercoledì 17 dicembre 2014 17:16:23, Thomas Maisl ha scritto:
> > At least on Ubuntu systems an edit of a group membership takes effect only
> > after logging out and in of that user, if this user is currently logged in.
> No, this is how groups work on linux (possibly all unixes?)

Not really true. Its effective after someone have called setgroups,
which is done as a part of the login process, (on linux usually by a pam

If you add yourself to a group, you only are usually just changing a
textfile, which lists which users belongs to which group.

There are other ways to change the groups list for your session, but
none that i can recommend to non-maniacs =)

So, the only sane recommendation is to logout and log back in again.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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