On 10 March 2015 at 01:20, Long, Martin <mar...@longhome.co.uk> wrote:
> I've only really scanned this thread, so please excuse me if I'm
> raising something that's already been covered.
> It seems we're talking about rendering using HTML along with a few
> other things. Have we considered pagination? I know this is something
> that HTML isn't great at. You can, of course, print html, and it will
> paginate it, but is controlling how this happens easy? I understand
> there is support for pagination in CSS - is this enough for us to do
> reasonable looking 1 dive per page, 2 dives per page, etc?

i was also under the same impression from historic experience, but
then i gave a "@page" and "@media print" CSS a test with WebKit (the
browser engine that Qt) uses and it rendered a paginated HTML template

> Or, are we considering rendering each dive as an individual HTML
> document, and then have the framework code assemble that into a
> pdf/print commands, etc?

from my tests a whole HTML was rendered as required.
now this has some implications in terms of combining the HTML layout
with the profile imagery, but i'm pretty sure a whole HTML in a single
pass for the layout is still viable.

> One of the reasons i raised this as a possible GSoC project was the
> poor experience when you have any more than a few lines of 'prose' in
> the notes for a dive - I tend to waffle a bit in some of my dive logs.

i think the new template options will provide flexibility for that.

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