On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 06:27:00AM +1100, Rick Walsh wrote:
> >
> > So no simple fix that I'm aware of.
> >
> My build of 766 doesn't crash on my Samsung, but yours does (as does 774).
> I thought the difference was Qt5.5 vs Qt5.6, but I just realized what might
> be a more substantial difference in our builds.
> I tend to run the build script only periodically. Most of the time,
> especially when working on a patch, I'll just run make inside the build
> dir. So, my version will be a few commits behind in the Plasma
> mobilecomponents. I suspect the crashes I get reliably might be linked to a
> recent commit mobilecomponents change. I'll do some testing and report back.
> Here's to hoping it's an easy fix.

Always :-)

I can easily create a Qt5.5.1 based build for cross testing. Let me know.

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