On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 05:49:53PM +0100, Jan Mulder wrote:
> On 06-02-16 15:41, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> >On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 06:22:43AM -0800, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> >>>>>Also the keyboard should close when the user exits edit mode.
> >>>Ok, this works. However, something I think is confusing (and has probably
> >>>been in for some time, so no recent regression) is the fact the navigating
> >>>away from a edit mode with one of the back to divelist methods, does not 
> >>>end
> >>>the edit mode. Now, selecting another dive in the divelist brings you back
> >>>to the edit of the still ongoing edit mode of the previous dive. Obviously,
> >>>there is some advantage to this, as you can still save your edit when you
> >>>accidentally navigated away from the edit mode, but I think this confuses
> >>>the average user.
> >>Yes, I think that's wrong. I'll try to fix that.
> >Well, I played with this on my 10" tablet for a bit and there is only one
> >case that I can reproduce. Using the back button on the device doesn't
> >clear the edit state. Using the DiveList entry in the menu definitely
> >clears that state - there's a call to endEditMode() in all the places
> >where I thought we should back out of edit state. Can you give me a step
> >by step walk through where you can still reproduce that? It's entirely
> >possible I missed one :-)
> It is the device back button that has the "not ending edit mode when
> leaving" thingy. The menu item "divelist" does end the edit mode correctly.
> Further, I can swipe right, to bring up the divelist, and that also does not
> end the edit mode. All tested on a 5" phone (portrait mode).

OK, I think I know how to fix the back button. The swipe right one... hmm,
I'm sure I can figure that one out as well. This seems like the last
thing to stop me from doing an open beta later today :-)

(well, and the blue line in the profile, but I don't think it makes sense
to wait for that, frankly)

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