On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:

> All of Linus' patches are pushed and current daily builds are up. Since I
> had some unexpected changes in my build infrastructure I'd appreciate if
> people could test the DMG and the AppImage (the .exe should be fine).
> I grabbed the DMG and it looks basically ok.  I was able to download new
dives and I verified that the odd events at time/depth 0 do not show.  I
had seen those before and wondered what caused the events but just thought
it was something about doing multi-day/multi-dive trips.  I also tried
deleting some dives and renumbering the ones that were left.  Everything I
tried worked flawlessly.

I was not able to locate the AppImage so I could not test on Linux.

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