> On Jul 17, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Jan Mulder <jlmul...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>> 1) Functional: somehow I expected the selected choice for the previously 
>>> used connection type to be saved on exit and restored at a new start. 
>>> Without looking at any code change (yet), I assume that this is known. As 
>>> most users will use the same way of connecting all the time ... this would 
>>> be a useful enhancement.
>> Let me poke at this a little bit. For the typical user with one dive computer
>> there will be one paired dive computer and that should be selected by
>> default.
>> So what is selected when you open the dialog for you? What did you want
>> to be selected? I'm guessing you have two paired computers and the "wrong
>> one" was selected? Or something else?
>> I just want to make sure I actually understand your real concern here.
> I have one paired DC, and it is detected correctly at start (and any 
> restart). The new "connection" field is empty, and I can select 3 options 
> (classic BT address, BLE BT address, and FTDI). The selected connection 
> option is not preserved over sessions, and the connection option is empty 
> again on a new start. So my "concern" is that I have to select the connection 
> type again and again.

That's odd. It should pick the correct address, not leave it empty - why isn't 
it matching this correctly? Is this again an issue with us not recognizing the 
name correctly?
But yes, we could of course remember the last selected connection.

>>> 2) Something that is not new (so not related to this specific set of 
>>> changes), is that during a transfer, the Quit button does not quit, but 
>>> only moves away from the download screen. For my OSTC3, there is a 
>>> relatively simple workaround: just disable bluetooth on the mobile device, 
>>> and quit the download on the OSTC3. It would, however, be much nicer when 
>>> the quit, actually quits the transfer, and (for an OSTC3) sends the needed 
>>> <end of communication> to get the DC back in non-download mode, before is 
>>> taking forever to timeout.
>> Yes, we need to implement cancellation of download correctly.
>> Patches welcome, or please file an issue so we don't forget.
> I will file an issue.


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