> On Jul 18, 2017, at 2:16 AM, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 July 2017 at 22:14, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My last try: we could just color dive number of those dives with five stars 
>> ;)
>> davide@mobile
> While working with the latest APK I realized that the preference page
> is a bit messed up.
> There is a small offset on the panel and all strings are way too large
> even in English. (see attachment)

Hmm, this used to be wrapped and laid our correctly. Arg.

> BTW I see that through all the app we used the common desktop
> paradigma: "once I modify something I have to explicitly save it".
> Hence we have the ubiquitous floppy disk button which covers part of the 
> screen.
> Except few specific cases (i.e. save to cloud) in all Android/IOS apps
> I used, the save action is implicit while changing some parameter.

We actually modify the theme immediately... I'm ok with modifying
all the settings immediately. But then we need a different paradigm
that gets us out of there. I guess the back button on Android and
throwing the phone against the wall until it breaks under iOS.


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