Sorry for too quoting.

I'm with Dirk here.
I would trilled to see a planner and maybe a gas mixer but as a standalone
app planner+mixer.
As on the stats feature I would prefer a more KISS approach. I don't like a
swiss knife approach aka do it all.

On menu size. Don't worry we can scroll it. Look at my feedly menu:

IMHO the most future proof feature is having with kirigami a menu like that
(I used it in my design). A menu which doesn't waste horizontal space.

Willem what I forgot in the GPS menu?


On Jul 18, 2017 7:44 PM, "Dirk Hohndel" <> wrote:

> I am very intentionally moving  this small part of the discussion around
> Davide's Mobile UI ideas back to the developer mailing list because I think
> it is important - and not a lot of the people here tend to look at the
> issues on github (that's the eternal problem... it's hard to discuss these
> things in email and they get forgotten too easily if we do, yet there is a
> lot less participation on github...)
> On Jul 18, 2017, at 10:30 AM, willemferguson <>
> wrote:
> Just look at the items in the Desktop Main Menu, Things like "Filter",
> Renumber dive list, Edit device names, Configure DC, und so weiter und so
> weiter.
> So just to repeat something that I've said many times and that everyone
> loves to just not hear or ignore...
> We. Will. Not. Recreate. The desktop app. As. Mobile app.
> Filter? Maybe. Because that is super useful.
> Renumber, edit device names, configure DC, all that other junk we have
> there? Nope. Please. Nope.
> Several of these items are likely to find their way into mobile and space
> needs to be available to build them into the menu system. Already I am not
> convinced that the whole menu system will fit onto a single mobile screen.
> Rather than an ad hoc solution such as "Tools", a more fundamental and
> pro-active plan needs to be made. Even if there is a Tools item in the
> present menu system (and Davide has forgotten at least one more menu item,
> Show GPS locations), the list is already too long for an average mobile
> phone
> Yes. And the fix is not to try to have every silly thing in there. I am
> still not convinced that I want to take the planner code. Seriously, start
> a Subsurface-mobile-planner app.
> All adding a planner will do is to add complexity, add more settings, add
> more things that will break, make the app bigger. And sure, fifteen people
> will each use it once. Seven will use it a few times. And three people will
> use it every week for the rest of their lives. And the other 2000 users
> will never even open the menu.
> Our current planner is a disgusting mess of a UI on a 15" laptop screen
> with keyboard / mouse interaction.
> But we are spending time on making it work with a tap based UI on a 5"
> screen. Sure.
> Could we instead try to fix the actual mobile app instead? I am thrilled
> that a couple more people have started to work on the QML code. YAY.
> Let's not distract ourselves again.
> /D
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