Hi Linus,

Am 20.09.2017 um 10:16 schrieb Stefan Fuchs:
>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 5:31 AM, Stefan Fuchs <sfu...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Sorry for the maybe stupid questions: This does already solve the issue with
>>> the spike I reported, isn't it?
>> Maybe. I'm not convinced it didn't exist before, though, although
>> maybe hidden. It definitely existed as far as the o2pressure was
>> concerned, since that wasn't cleared before either.
> I can still create one interesting situation where I finally will have
> the issue (all related files are attached):
> - I plan a new dive of the specific kind (deco gas used as first gas
> and then used later again) with the planner and save it to a new XML file
>   --> Everything ok, no vertical line in graph, in XML at time of gas
> change 43:35 there is no pressure value. This is as Linus said it
> should be.
> - I close Subsurface, restart, open XML
>   --> Everything ok, no vertical line in graph
> - Replan dive in planner
>   --> Vertical line at ~43min appears and if I now save this and look
> in the XML a pressure value was added at 43:35 which is incorrect.
> The question is now: Why does the planner (or whatever) does the thing
> correctly when creating the dive but then does a mistake when
> replanning the same dive?
Could you please have a quick look at this:

I think I identified the position in the code where the planner writes
this ambiguous and unnecessary pressure information which confuses the
plot code.
And I even think that we can simply fix this w/o side effects. At least
tests on my side show positive results.

What do you think?

Best regards


Stefan Fuchs
E-Mail: sfu...@gmx.de <mailto:sfu...@gmx.de>

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