On Sat, 21 Dec 2013, Willem Ferguson wrote:
> One of the things I have been wanting to do is to get the xml and pdf 
> options working. Unless anyone else has a ready answer, I will look into 
> this during the next 2 days.

I'm still having the same/similar problem when trying to build the 
documentation :(  This is an old thread, started here:


This is what I do:

        $ make -C Documentation user-manual.text
        make: Entering directory '.../Documentation'
        a2x -f text user-manual.txt
        a2x: ERROR: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid 
        returned non-zero exit status 4
        Makefile:27: recipe for target 'user-manual.text' failed

And the reason is:

        $ xmllint --nonet --noout --valid ./user-manual.xml
        ./user-manual.xml:5792: element literal: validity error : Element 
emphasis is not declared in literal list of possible children
        /emphasis>, <emphasis>RUNNING</emphasis> AND 
        ./user-manual.xml:5792: element literal: validity error : Element 
emphasis is not declared in literal list of possible children
        /emphasis>, <emphasis>RUNNING</emphasis> AND 
        ./user-manual.xml:5792: element literal: validity error : Element 
emphasis is not declared in literal list of possible children
        /emphasis>, <emphasis>RUNNING</emphasis> AND 


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