While investigating issue #513 ([Bug] Mobile: Startup splash screens display 2 different background color (Black then White) I found the commit that introduces this splash screen stuff (04e994b57558ed9). First, let me reset the complexity on GitHub from low to high :-) as the issue is related to the app bootstrap phase on device, and there is exactly one color defines in that whole process (which is white background), so where the black background phase is coming from is still is a mystery to me.

Reading mentioned commit and the referenced internet page, and carefully reading the code in main.qml I find 2 opacity related pieces of code commented out (by Tomaz), telling "ApplicationWindow has no Opacity calls no more." (commit 4db80aa1a404dc). Hmm, weird. I just looked at the Qt docs: opacity on ApplicationWindow is a property since Qt 5.1, Tomaz: there is probably something I do not understand, but can you explain that commit?

I enabled that opacity code again. No visible effect, so I change the fade-in animation to 10 sec (yes ridiculous long, but ease to spot while running the app). No visible fade in anywhere. Question for Dirk: as original author, have you ever seen that fade in?

The referenced internet page (from commit 04e994b57558ed9), also explains that there needs to be a QML Loader object, and we do not have one. (So, I believe there was never a fade-in animation). I added one ... and suddenly ... I have a nice 10 seconds opacity fade-in of the app :-) That is: on desktop.

And now it gets even more confusing. Running this changed code on Android, results in numerous (probably 10000 (milliseconds)) error strings in the log: "This plugin does not support setting window opacity". So, a piece of Qt code is called that is not implemented for Android. But ... the current app has some transparency features, for example the toast notifications. So where is that coming from? Anybody knows?

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