On 09/19/2018 02:53 PM, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>> On Sep 19, 2018, at 11:49 AM, Bill Perry 
>> <bperry...@opensource.billsworld.billandterrie.com> wrote:
>> "60.711: DCDownloadThread started for Aeris Atmos AI on FTDI"
>> Starting download from  ftdi
>> "60.781: Looking at device with VID/PID 1478/36940"
>> "60.781: Looking at device with VID/PID 1027/62560"
>> "60.782: usbManager tells us we don't have permission to access this device"
> Well, Android thinks that you told it not to allow Subsurface-mobile to 
> access your dive computer. Not much we can do then.
> /D
Clearly something is possible as it works in the 4.8.1 code that I build from 
sources and nothing on the phone has changed other than installing the new app 
from the playstore.
I'm assuming it could be related to the Subsurface app not showing up as an app 
for the USB device when the data cable is plugged in.
Is the USB manager responsible for poppping up that USB device/app dialog and 
then granting permission to the selected app ?


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