On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 09:21:39PM +0200, Salvador Cuñat wrote:
> > If you have access to a non-Linux platform and can test, that would be nice
> > to know, if you can compile on one of those platforms, that would be even
> > more interesting...
> > 
> I can test on Linux, Windows and Android, but just build on linux as I
> don't have a building environment set on Windows.

So since a couple people have said this, just to repeat what I said in a
different thread... with current master building for Windows locally is as
easy as

clone sources
cd subsurface
bash ./scripts/windows-container/before_install.sh
bash ./scripts/windows-container/travisbuild.sh

you'll get a win32 directory parallel to that subsurface directory, and in
win32/subsurface you'll find a complete Windows build

This assumes that you're on Linux and that Docker is installed. I don't
think you need much more than that (oh, and some patients and the ability
to download 2+GB over the internet)

What it does is download a customized Ubuntu 18.04 container with MXE
pre-built inside, and then build Subsurface inside of that :-)

So more or less anyone with a reasonably powerful Linux box and an
internet connection can build local Windows binaries


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