> On Nov 24, 2018, at 12:23 AM, Jan Mulder <jlmul...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>> This crash can be triggered at will, by simply switching BT on/off, and 
>>> unfortunately, that missing code is also triggered on a regular BT/BLE 
>>> download, making the app more or less useless for any BT/BLE use at this 
>>> point.
>> Not good. From the looks of it this does sound like it might be a Qt issue, 
>> so I'm adding Alex...
> Something I overlooked. I was testing all the time with builds for arm64 
> architecture, and there I can reproduce this non-implemented jniOnReceive 
> issue at will. However, testing for arm, all just works. That's definitely a 
> clue, and I can definitely not rule out an issue in my build stack. The good 
> news is that we can build a working arm version.

With Qt 5.12 scheduled for release in less than two weeks (they are now aiming 
for December 5th, it seems), getting a handle on whether that's an issue in 
your build stack or with Qt might be very interesting to Alex :-)

>>> I did review numerous recent Qt changes in the related qtconnectivity and 
>>> qtbluetooth on source code level (not building Qt from source, only code 
>>> reading). Nothing I found sticks out as suspicious, and nothing to really 
>>> substantiate a Qt bug. So, basically I'm on a dead end at this point, and I 
>>> can better go cave diving the coming days :-)
>> Be save diving.
>> Do you have pointers on how to re-create your build? Any patches needed? 
>> Specific versions?
> Will push things to my github asap, but first need to do some cleanup. Notice 
> that Qt 5.12 is not yet downloadable (as not yet released), and all my work 
> is currently local build only. No Travis integration yet.


Qt 5.12 is indeed downloadable. For reasons I cannot explain the folks at Qt 
make it rather hard to discover WHERE to download it. I guess if you don't know 
where to go, it's not meant for you? I don't know. But it takes quite some 
clicking around to stumble across this link it seems:


Anyway, I'll play with this today and see if I can get it to work as well.

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