On 20 Mar 2019, at 20:55, Jason Bramwell <jb2c...@gmail.com <mailto:jb2c...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I’ll try to explain but if this does not make sense I apologise. I’m also not an expert in this so I may be slightly mistaken in a couple of points.

You have visited that particular dive site a number of times and it has a few different GPS coordinates recorded for it, this means that it appears as 3 or 4 different sites (or however many different GPS coordinates you have). Subsurface is trying to be helpful and when you start typing in the dive site name it looks through all the places you’ve been before to enable you to quickly pick the one you want, I don’t think you can turn off this lookup feature. The lookup lists are dynamically created based on the data in your saved logbook file.

If you wanted to consolidate these dive sites so that it appears as a single site rather than the 3 or 4 that it currently does then I don’t know a quick way to do this, I think the best way to do this would be to enter each site using the globe icon and rename the sites that you want to remove slightly and then one by one switch the dives from those ‘bad’ sites to the one remaining ‘good’ site, once all the dives are associated to a single site then you may be able to remove the ‘bad’ sites completely by editing your dive log file manually or this may simple no longer appear in the lookup list I’m not 100% sure.


I think this reflects Anton Lundin's contention that the coordinate data are not first-class citizens in the dive log.

This is a problem that I have just lived with. Normally I just pick the top option provided and do not worry about the rest. On occasion I have dealt with the problem by editing the XML by hand. Attached two small screendumps for the coordinates of one of my dive sites. There are *three* distinct issues:

1) See the top two entries in the attached image /coordinates2.jpg/. There are two entries for "Create new dive site". This is probably erroneous.

2) In the attached image/coordinates1.jpg/, notice that Subsurface sees several duplicate coordinates. When it says "same GPS fix", it means that the coordinates are the same as those that have been set for the current dive being displayed. There should be a fairly easy way of eliminating duplicates in the list. If there are coordinates specified for the current location, simply do not display these same duplicates in the list.

3) As far as being able to edit the list of coordinates, I suspect this is more complex. It would mean finding the appropriate dives in the dive log file and changing the coordinates for these dives to a user-specified coordinates pair. One would need to have a mechanism for specifying the new coordinates to be saved in the place of the old set of coordinates. If the coordinates were first-class citizens there would be a complete system for coordinate management. Perhaps, in the meantime, in the UI, it may be possible to create a context menu with a right-click that allows an operation 'Replace coordinates with those of current dive'. That means one would need at least one dive with the correct coordinates that could be used as the 'template' for changing another coordinate pair. One would then display that dive, select the coordinates list and choose the appropriate option from the context menu (see attached coordinates2.jpg for a mockup context menu)

Kind regards,


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