Hi Robert,

(hope my message is not mangling the thread, since I'm on the digest and
had to snip it out).

I really like the idea, it seems to me kind of like the reciprocal of
showing the events in the dive profile that represent the media files. Your
proposed feature is showing a bit of the profile information in the media
itself. I think it would be cool feature to have for both still images and

Agree, just text in the corner with Depth and maybe also Temperature and
Dive time. (Similar what is seen in those videos from the 'paralenz' camera)

My question is about how far do you think you would take the idea.

1. Just generating the subtitle file?
2. (soft sub) showing the subtitles when viewing the video, but with out
altering the original video file
3. (hard sub) re-encoding the video, with the text embedded (as you mention
ffmpeg, maybe this is already what you mean)

I think any of those would be nice, but probably for your average user they
would like option 3 since they can then share that with other people.
Option 3 does raise the question about how do you handle original file and
the one with the overlay, do you hide the originals by default, or show
duplicates for all media.

I think it would also be important to allow for customisation of the output
(font, colour, position, exactly which parameters to show etc).


Dean Murray

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019 12:40:17 +0200
From: Robert Helling <hell...@atdotde.de>
To: "subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org"
Subject: Subtitle export
Message-ID: <05ea3fc1-8e83-4061-889a-aaea27d96...@atdotde.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


as a follow up to a thread of scuba board:
-mobile-2-0-1-released.555591/page-3 <

There, somebody wants to overlay his underwater videos with a mock up dive
computer display showing the current data.

This got me wondering if there would be more general interest in such a
feature. After a bit of googling around, this should not be too hard using
a subtitle format like SSA (
https://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/subtitles/ssa.html <
https://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/subtitles/ssa.html>): This is a
text based file format that allows to show text at specific times in a
video and there are even some drawing primitives as well as image display
included. And ffmpeg is able to read that and render it into a video stream.

As I myself am not a videographer (have not even taken images underwater),
I wonder if there would be any demand for such a feature. I think we could
simple export dive data to such a file format, not necessarily rendering a
faux dive computer but just showing the information as a text for starters.
Any feedback appreciated!

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