Revised tab layout looks great! Only comments are regarding new ideas of
having ‘Star rating’ fields for surge/ current / waves etc it will become
confusing (even I would not remember which approach did I use for myself to
be consistent) eg 5 stars is = very good = low current OR is more stars =
more current.

A rating scale does make sense instead of numeric because mostly it’s just
perception and no one has accurate data for these things.

Ideal approach if possible would be to somehow ‘anchor’ the scale so it is
clear which end is better and which end is worse. It could be done by words
at each end of scale. Or could be by some different icon for each of the
five points (eg big wave at one end slowly graduating to small wave at


Dean Murray

On Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 11:06 pm, Willem Ferguson <> wrote:

> The current work to make the atmospheric pressure editable in the
> Information tab has made me thinking about the layout of this tab which
> has worried me for a long time because it appears largely unorganised.
> Attached a screenshot of a proposal for the layout of the Information
> tab. This is an attempt to present it in a more organised way. Although
> it takes into account the existing initiative to make the temperatures
> and the atmospheric pressure editable it is not part of the same
> activity. It would follow after that. The two temperature text boxes as
> well as the visibility rating come from the Notes tab and these items
> would therefore probably be removed from the Notes tab. It also adds
> three more integer variables to the Dive structure to account for sea
> surface waves, surge and current.
> This initial layout is not meant to be a final product at all and would
> need some significantly more work.
> Kind regards,
> willem
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