Hmm, when googling stuff I did come across an appimage script that
looked to be modifying a path in a packaged dbus library..
Do you know what library is actually failing to find the file?

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 8:47 AM David Tillotson <> wrote:
> Deleting my manually created file, and re-running the appimage, it seems to 
> be searching /usr/local/var/lib/dbus/ and /etc/, so doesn't see the existing 
> one in /var/lib/dbus/
> Creating a symlink /usr/local/var/lib/dbus -> /var/lib/dbus works (which may 
> be more "correct" than my manual file). Looks like this is an odd path issue 
> somewhere, most likely local to my system. I'll do some more testing, and see 
> whether this may be worth documenting.
> David Tillotson
> On 19 Sep 2019, at 07:59, Paul Buxton <> wrote:
>> So, I think I have a better handle on Appimage. It isn't a container
>> in the same way as chroot/docker. So we do not package up or mirror
>> any system files, it basically contains the libraries for the
>> application and preprends it's folder containing these to the
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH. A side effect of this is that if we depend on a
>> library that isn't included but happens to be on your system we will
>> continue on quite happily.
>> I don't think we can realistically actually add the file in question
>> to the Appimage as it isn't something we can (or should) be packaging
>> up.
>> From this thread
>> it looks like Devuan (at least back in March) doesn't supply
>> /etc/machine-id as it normally is created by systemd at installation
>> time. But if I am reading correctly dbus supplies
>> /var/lib/dbus/machine-id which will often be a symbolic link to the
>> /etc one.
>> What happens if you run dbus-uuidgen --get (after removing the file
>> you created).
>> Is it possible something was squiffy in your dbus installation?
>> The manpage for dbus-uuidgen suggests it is normally called in the
>> post installation process.
>> If you don't have one, then perhaps try running dbus-uuidgen --ensure
>> Paul
>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 9:14 PM David Tillotson <> wrote:
>>>  On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 20:03:00 +0100
>>>  Paul Buxton <> wrote:
>>>>  Hmm, this looks pertinent
>>>  Interesting article. Reading that, I'm now even more puzzled as to what
>>>  this is for. Every claimed use is already covered by other mechanisms
>>>  as far as I know.
>>>>  Can I ask when you added the file, was that in your local system, or
>>>>  did you somehow insert it into the appimage? My guess is the former...
>>>  You are right with that guess - not sure how it would be added to the
>>>  appimage!
>>>>  The end of that article assumes that chroot/container environments
>>>>  would populate the machine id from the host system into the container.
>>>>  I confess I am not 100% clear on how Appimage works, but I suspect it
>>>>  is combining the folders in the Appimage mount with the host system
>>>>  folders, and as your system doesn't use systemd this file doesn't
>>>>  exist.
>>>  That does seem to be what is happening - creating a valid(ish) file
>>>  works, so whatever is using it doesn't care what is in the file.
>>>  Changing the file to a different one (32 1s) had no effect.
>>>>  I will try and understand a bit more about how appimage works and see
>>>>  if I can suggest a proper solution unless someone who knows better can
>>>>  fix it first. :-)
>>>  I would guess that adding a file to the appimage would work, if I could
>>>  figure out how. I'm happy to test any attempted fixes in the meantime.
>>>>  On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 9:05 AM David Tillotson
>>>>  <> wrote:
>>>>>  I have discovered an issue with the layest AppImage, that seems to
>>>>>  be the result of an assumption by the included systemd components.
>>>>>  On my Devuan system, I was unable to launch the AppImage, and on
>>>>>  checking found that it was due to a missing file
>>>>>  ("/usr/local/var/lib/dbus/system-id" or "/etc/system-id"). An empty
>>>>>  file isn't sufficient, as dbus expects a 32 char hex string, so I
>>>>>  just created a random one, which worked.
>>>>>  Hopefully this is just a flaw in the AppImage build, and not
>>>>>  another step along the path from GNU/Linux to Systemd/GNU/Linux! ;-)
>>>>>  David Tillotson
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