On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 1:33 PM Martin de Weger <mar...@deweger.org> wrote:
> It does show the computer, but when I’m trying to download, it states 
> “unsupported operation”

Ok, not entirely surprising. We've had good luck with our
"pseudo-generic serial service over BLE" code, but BLE serial really
isn't standardized - because the bluetooth committees are broken - so
it's more a set of "these are common patterns" than anything else.

And the BLE descriptors in your screenshot looked less than promising,
simply because there's a lot going on. The good news is that the
serial part was Nordic Semi, which probably means that we can find
docs for it, but it also means that I'll need to figure out what they
do differently from the other serial-over-BLE chips we've seen.

>What logfiles do you need to look into this?

Hmm. I just realized that we've seem to have lost a lot of the Qt BLE
debugging output. The "libdivecomputer logfile" shows the actual
communication part, but you're not getting far enough for that to

Dirk, where does it go? We get the logs on mobile with the whole log
capture and "copy to clipboard", but I think the BLE debugging on the
desktop app just goes to stdout - but it's suppressed entirely by

Interesting. We've been debugging BLE mostly on the mobile side
lately, so I didn't notice (even though I do all my _development_ on
the desktop).

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