On 8/12/2023 20:56, Philippe Massart via subsurface wrote:
Since several years now, I import .DLF files from my Divesoft Freedom computer without any problem.

I saw that Divesoft Freedom and Liberty where integrated into libdivecomputer, and that a next release of Subsurface could include direct download from the dive computer, instead of manually import .DLF files.

For now (test version from November 21th), Divesoft computers are well in this list of supporter computers but no import is available, perhaps because no mount point is available: the mount point showed is the one from my other computer (Garmin), and no change or manual selection is possible (see attachment).

My Divesoft computer mount point on Mac is /Volumes/FREEDOM, and /run/media/username/FREEDOM under Linux

If there is something to test about that, don’t hesitate to tell me.

The libdivecomputer integration is for downloading dives over bluetooth (BLE). That's why the mount point control is disabled, because it's not used for bluetooth communication. This feature is only available in the newer versions of the Freedom and Liberty. For the older models, which are using USB mass storage, you can import the DLF files as before. The download over bluetooth will simply download the same content as the DLF files, so there is no difference in the data that gets downloaded.

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