On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 12:30 -0500, Wade Brainerd wrote:
> I think Bryan's idea is wonderfully practical.  What's more, it sounds
> easy to achieve.  You just need a 'swf-activity' launcher, and a
> script to sugarize .SWF files into .xo bundles which launch as
> fullscreen activities.  
that's a great idea

> Building it around Browse is probably a bad idea (re: the .xol
> suggestion).  What's the point of loading up Firefox just to play a
> SWF file?

I think Firefox has some advantages because it is the environment that
many web developers are familiar. It does add a lot of overhead though.

Currently we use Firefox3 to launch Nepal's new flash-based activities.
It has some problems

> There is still a place for PyGTK.  If you want the "real" Sugar, e.g.
> collaboration, Journal interaction, the visual theme, etc. stick with
> PyGTK.  If you want a simple Pashto grammar activity and have Flash
> programmers at your disposal, use Flash.

There is very much a place for pygtk. It is excellent for developers who
have more time on their hands and/or previous experience w/ pygtk. It
also provides you w/ better access to the XO hardware.

> -Wade
Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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