On 10.03.2009, at 23:49, karl ramberg wrote:

On 3/10/09, Bert Freudenberg <b...@freudenbergs.de> wrote:


There are some rough edges, so here is a few suggestions:

1 disable halos, menus and lock background so it cant be picked up.
2 Help window and statistics window without menu, collapse and
fullscreen button.
3 The pick-game-fill-in-the-blank got accepted as a drop into the
playfield when I tried to  move it.

There is also a issue I have seen before in Free cell and that is when
moving a bunch of cards, sometimes you can pick up many, sometimes
not. Maybe there is a rule to how many cards can be moved ????

Well, one could argue that if you play this with real cards, you can do this, too. You're only cheating yourself ;)

But you are welcome to contribute:


Fixes to the game logic should go in a new etoys release. Improvements to the Sugar activity should be made in gitorious:


One obvious next step would be to save something to the Journal. Using the DBus Datastore API directly is a bit more cumbersome than necessary (e.g., the datastore does not fill in timestamps, but the Python toolkit breaks if there is no time stamp).

I was going to write a message about how cumbersome it is to use the datastore, like how a simple 3 liner (open file, append log entry, close file) becomes a 20-line program, but at least for now we have to live with that anyway. If you are interested, I attached a snippet demonstrating that file logging, using the Journal if running in Sugar.

- Bert -

| fileName myFile journal metaData existing utf8Name |

fileName := 'myFile.txt'.
myFile := FileStream fileNamed: fileName.

SugarLauncher isRunningInSugar ifTrue: [
        journal := SugarDataStore new.
        metaData := {'title'->fileName. 'mime_type'->'text/plain'} as: 
        existing := (journal find: metaData with: #()) first.
        existing isEmpty ifFalse: [
                metaData := existing first.
                utf8Name := journal getFilename: (metaData at: 'uid') asString.
                myFile nextPutAll: (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: utf8Name 
utf8ToSqueak) contentsOfEntireFile.
                FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: utf8Name utf8ToSqueak]].

myFile setToEnd.
myFile cr.
myFile nextPutAll: 'Hello'.
myFile tab.
myFile print: Time now.
myFile close.

SugarLauncher isRunningInSugar ifTrue: [
        utf8Name := (FileDirectory default fullNameFor: fileName) squeakToUtf8.
        metaData at: 'timestamp' put: DateAndTime now asUnixTime.
        metaData at: 'mtime' put: (DateAndTime now asString first: 19).
        existing isEmpty
                ifTrue: [journal create: metaData with: utf8Name with: false]
                ifFalse: [journal update: (metaData at: 'uid') with: metaData 
with: utf8Name with: false].
        FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: fileName].
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