What about the expandable library section on the home page for
downloaded .xol's?  It's nifty and useful (
http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/574 ).  The recent discussion about
this ('content bundles and the "OLPC Library" Browse home page')
devolved into discussing a replacement for them, but .xol files exist
now.  Are they not going to work in Sugar 0.8x until a "Grand
Unification" of activity and content is coded?

The code in /usr/share/library-common/make_index.py on an XO that
rebuilds the library each time you download a collection also has the
template code to make the home page.  It seems to support localization
of the home page as well.

Sean DALY  wrote:
> My memory of the XO G1G1 Browse page was that there was a link to
> Help, but looking at it I see that there wasn't.

Help is an activity, and as I recall in 2008 discussions on olpc-dev
people said Browse cannot launch activities without adding Mozilla
mime type handlers and/or relaxing Rainbow security.  However, Help is
just an instance of Browse's WebView that opens <path to Help
activity>/help/X_Introduction.html.  So another thing that a
make_index.py script could do is look for the Help activity and if
found add a
    Browse the (local) Help files
link to this home page.

http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Library#How_it_works has notes on how
library-common works. I think someone with moderate skills[**] could
revive it and kill three birds (generate home page, add content links
as you download collections, and add a link to the Help activity's
files if present) with one stone..

[**]  but more than me! :-/

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