The ISO boots up fine in VirtualBox.

Again, the vmdk appliance doesn't.

2009/4/4 Sebastian Dziallas <>:
> Hi folks,
> the SoaS team has another snapshot ready for testing - it's absolutely
> important that it get's tested as much as possible for our release!
> You can grab it from here:
> If you're going to put it on a USB key or a SD card under Linux, please
> make sure to use exactly this version of livecd-iso-to-disk, as you
> might encounter issues with other versions, which are around:
> There's also a new appliance snapshot available, but testing should
> really focus on the .iso file for now:
> What has changed?
> * We're now supporting locales! You can change it in the control panel.
> * You'll notice our funky boot screen - no hotdog anymore... ;)
> * Browse has been updated - including skin and default page changes!
> Again, please give it a try. And if you think that we should include
> this or that specific activity, make sure to come up with it!
> So long, thanks and happy testing,
>    --Your SoaS Team
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