On 28.04.2009, at 16:22, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 16:16, Bert Freudenberg  
> <b...@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
>> On 28.04.2009, at 15:49, Aleksey Lim wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 03:43:37PM +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>>> On 28.04.2009, at 15:33, SugarLabs Bugs wrote:
>>>>> #795: Lack of setup.py in Etoys-101.tar.gz
>>>>> Ticket URL: <http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/795#comment:3>
>>>> So the "fix" is to include this three-line script:
>>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>>> from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder
>>>> bundlebuilder.start()
>>>> That does not make sense to me. Why should each and every activity
>>>> bundle include the same script?
>>> In that case user(not only packager) has a standard way to bundle
>>> installed activity(by command "./setup.py dist_xo") despite of the
>>> nature
>>> of this activity.
>>> Packager can have standard way to install it by command
>>> "./setup.py install" as well
>> To install an activity, unzip it in the right location. Same for the
>> tarball - simply extract it, done.
>> Activities were specifically designed to not require installation.
>> Unzipping the .xo is all that is needed.
>> If this design changed, someone failed to notify activity authors and
>> to update the documentation. If so, please specify how setup.py is
>> going to get invoked, and what it is supposed to do.
> I don't think it's a requirement of Sugar, but a convenience for  
> packagers.

But if it is the same for every activity, why can't it ship with Sugar  
then? Why does each activity have to include it?

And if you insist that an activity should provide a setup.py file,  
where is the spec? How can I verify it's working and covering all  
cases? What does it do?

And what will happen if someone invokes it from the etoys git repo,  
which includes many more files than go into the activity bundle?

- Bert -

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