Since I missed the meeting, here goes.

I've had a really hectic past few days, with 2 exams, just getting my
laptop back and constantly fighting my Uni network restrictions. But
it's better now, finished with exams and I figured out how to trick
the proxies.

I played around with a template Site Specific Browser based on Browse,
almost identical up to now. I think I have SSB generation mostly
figured out, I need to start implementing it. I will probably have to
either change the existing bookmark mechanism or add a new one,
because bookmarks (specifically bookmarklets) should be part of data,
not state.

I also tried Tomeu's technique for getting Gears to work, but that
xulrunner bug prevents any permissions being granted. My initial plan
was to test Gears with GMail, but it's not quite possible right now.
I'll look into it, but I'd rather not have to build xulrunner.

Also, now I'm more inclined to do the dbus functionality through
pyxpcom, mostly because of security issues. This
would provide dbus accessibility directly to javascript and I'd need
to handle security around that. Since my dbus needs are limited, I
prefer to instead do everything python-side and inject javascript
objects that do simple things (notifications, sounds, etc.). Of
course, dbus is still a secondary objective.
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