On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 11:33 PM, NoiseEHC<noise...@freemail.hu> wrote:
> The real deal is that Android will be pushed by all the carriers and ARM
> vendors. In my humble opinion it will be the dominant phone OS in the
> future with even more hardware support

the good thing is that android is based on the linux kernel, so most
of this hardware support will be available to every linux system; the
only significant exception will probably be the graphics subsystem,
where google's work will stop at the framebuffer, while a standard
linux system may need X.

> (just try out the Android SDK, it
> is multi platform with an emulator). Jumping to this massive smartbook
> bandwagon could push the OLPC idea further without any hardware development.

It is probably feasible to jump on the smartbook bandwagon even
without a full port to Android: a proof of concept port of sugar to
ARM is already available from the work of Bernie Innocenti in
OpenEmbedded, and in my free time I'm trying to update it to 0.84;
another (untested?) port is available in debian, where the sugar
packages are built for every supported arch, including ARM and other
embedded ones.

Installing such systems on an android phone is generally feasible,
requiring skills broadly comparable to those needed to jailbreak an
iphone; of course deployment will need support / permission from
whoever is going to sell the hardware, to be able to preinstall
gnu/linux + sugar instead of the standard system.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

homepage: http://www.trueelena.org
email: elena.valha...@gmail.com
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