Hi All

Just went on IRC channel - but no-one around - so I'll try here.

Steve Dalton here from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I'm an experienced
developer - mainly C/C++/Java/Groovy - but also dabble with Ruby/Python,
just starting out playing with Sugar development

I was kindly donated 5 XOs a while back and I have been trying to get a bit
of a local OLPC developers group started here in QLD. Have young kids and my
(almost) 4 year old is already getting stuck into Sugar and working things
out which makes me think you guys are onto something really awesome - I'd
love to help in some way.

Anyway - one way I think I might be able to stimulate some local activity is
by doing some sort of live demo on developing with Sugar. I was hoping to
demo something at Barcamp Brisbane next month and possibly something at the
OSDC (Open Source Developers Conference) in Brisbane later this year if it
works. I have made one of my paper submission for OSDC a Sugar one but It's
sitting in my drafts folder until I can be sure I have something that has
half a chance of working out (I like jumping in at the deep-end but don't
want to make a complete fool of myself).

Does anyone have any good suggestions on what to do? I've done the Hello
world demo and had a look at some of the activities already developed... but
was hoping to do something a little more interesting with some "cool" value
to get people interested. Are there any canned demos or tutorials around
that anyone can recommend? Might give me some ideas.

Many thanks in advance

I did have a signature, but the dog ate it.

google:steve.dalton | skype:spidieman | msn: m...@steve.dalts.net |
yahoo:daltonsp | aol: spidie100 | twitter: @spidie | mynetfone:09203861
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