Hi Philippe,

Philippe Clérié <phili...@gcal.net> writes:

>> Did the laptops get distributed first? If not, where are they?
> No the laptops were not distributed as far as I know. As to where 
> they are, the information is not public so I don't know. 

There is no information on the olpchaiti.org website due to lack of
webmaster.  But as I said, I think there are a few schools already
equiped with the laptops.  At least one:


>> Excellent. I had a hand in getting Kreyol localization started.
> It's such a small world. :-)


> I got involved too at the beginning but the effort seemed to have 
> fizzled very quickly, based on zero activity on the mailing list. 
> Perhaps the effort went elsewhere and I did not notice.

The effort went IRL during the last summer.  The haitian team worked
hard getting the translation done, and there were very few messages on
the mailing list because things were mainly done face to face.  Someone
was in charge of letting the mailing list notice about the progress but
obviously it was not me.  (Part of my work in Haiti was to help them be
more autonomous about such tasks.)


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