On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:17:13AM +0000, Aleksey Lim wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of lacks that sugar environment has is simple way to share sugar
> objects for broad audience i.e. like scratch community has[1]
> (thanks to davidmorris form #sugar).
> So, I've created [2]. Original idea was having highly integrated sharing
> features into sugar shell but looks like we can do simple things first
> and even utilize only Browse for browsing/download/upload sugar objects.
> The problem is - what web engine we should use.
> * Utilize AMO[3] engine which is used in activities.sugarlabs.org
>   in that case we can create something like library.sugarlabs.org to not

* we do not split users behaviour, they need the same experience
  that ASLO requires
* one common branding for activities and objects sites
* AMO has sufficient(imo) functionality - reviews, ranking, collections
  and thumbs mode
* we hack AMO code anyway - its not a problem in adding new AMO environment


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