
I have no great love for .82, but at the moment there is no good way
to put .84 on an XO.  .84 solves a lot of reading-related problems:

1).  Useable support for Deja Vu in Read.

2).  Custom Journal metadata that persists across a reboot (so the
Read Activity can remember what page I stopped reading on, something
that has been a problem since the day I first got my XO).

3). The gstreamer plugin for espeak is included, so people can finally
use text to speech with highlighting in Read Etexts.

4).  Support for current, limited function version of the Library
Activity, for whatever that's worth.

>From what I've seen of .84 on SoaS and on Fedora 11 if I could get .84
on my XO I'd be a happy camper.

James Simmons

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Gary C Martin<> wrote:
> Yes (finally) understood, I had missed the whole "must work for 0.82", many
> apologies for the distraction – I've been looking at way too many 0.86
> proposals et al :-)
> Regards,
> --Gary
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