On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:48, Christoph
Derndorfer<christoph.derndor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks a lot for the release, I downloaded the appliance and tested it for a
> bit with VirtualBox 3.0.2.

These are very helpful comments. If you or someone else could find the
time to enter tickets in trac, I hope to get to them soon.



> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Sebastian Dziallas <sebast...@when.com>
> wrote:
>> Known bugs include a killed X server each time an activity saves to the
>> journal. Please report all other issues you encounter (and note the
>> build date when opening a ticket please)!
> One issue I ran into - though like with the other ones I'm not sure whether
> this is SoaS specific or not - is that the Jigsaw puzzle activity starts at
> a very odd location (similar to the "name your entry overlay"), see the
> attached screenshot for what it looks like.
> Another thing that confused me is that in the control panel under "about my
> computer" it says Sugar: 0.85.1 when I had expected to see 0.85.3 there (per
> Sebastian's message above).
> Two small issues I found in the write-63 activity bundled with this release
> are that "Style" (on the Format tab) and "Page" (on the View tab) labels
> contain a trailing "_" that's probably not supposed to be there.
> Another issue I found is that when you're in an activity and hovering over
> either the "view" icons or activity icons the popup menu (telling you which
> view you're looking at or containing the "resume", "stop" or "view code"
> functions) doesn't seem to show up or potentially does show up but is
> layered behind the running activity.
> One interesting observation was that not all activities seemed to trigger
> that "killing X server" behaviour mentioned by Sebastian, the Paint activity
> for example seems to do just fine with keeping in and resuming from the
> Journal.
> One last general comment: I'm slightly confused by the design of the "share
> with" button as there don't seem to be any associated texts when hovering
> over the icon for "neighborhood". Also once shared the icon's hover menu
> only says "My neighborhood" which I find a bit simplistic.
> Hope those comments are somehow helpful.
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> --
> Christoph Derndorfer
> co-editor, olpcnews
> url: www.olpcnews.com
> e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
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