As I have mentioned in this list before, I am trying to make View
Slides able to get pictures that may or may not be in the Journal and
add them to a slide presentation.  Under .82 objects in thumb drives
can be listed using the Data Store API, which was fine.  In .84 you
cannot do that any more, but I was led to believe that if I just
wanted to READ these files that Python IO would work.  So I use this

        valid_endings = ('.jpg',  '.jpeg', '.JPEG',  '.JPG', '.gif',
'.GIF', '.tiff', '.TIFF', '.png', '.PNG')
        for dirname,  dirnames,  filenames in os.walk('/media'):
            for filename in filenames:
                if filename.endswith(valid_endings):
                    iter = self.ls_right.append()
                    jobject_wrapper = JobjectWrapper()

jobject_wrapper.set_file_path(os.path.join(dirname,  filename))
                    self.ls_right.set(iter,  COLUMN_IMAGE,  filename)
                    self.ls_right.set(iter,  COLUMN_PATH,  jobject_wrapper)

Now this code runs just fine on the Sugar test environment of Fedora
11 (.84) and Fedora 10 (.82).  However, if I try running the same code
on my XO, currently running .82, the Activity does not even finish
coming up.  Using the Log Activity does not give me any useful
messages.  I can only suspect that Rainbow is the culprit here,
although I'm not getting any actual messages that say that.  It's just
a guess on my part.

In the code above the jobject_wrapper is a class I created so that my
table column could hold an object that would return a file path,
either by getting it from a wrapped journal object or from a path
supplied by the code above.  Works fine in my test environment, but
bails out on my XO.

Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks,

James Simmons
Sugar-devel mailing list

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